  • € 16.92

  • € 19.90

This volume is intended for teachers, students, and learners of the Advanced Placement® course in Italian language and culture.

The work consists of two parts:

  • the manual with tips and exercises to make the learner(s) more aware of the evidence required on the exam;
  • a video guide for teachers (accessible via QR code and on with guidance and practical lesson examples for building an effective AP® course.

The manual consists of 5 chapters in which the following are presented:

  • the exam structure and topics, to familiarize yourself with the topics;
  • the MCQ section, with tips and practice activities with multiple-choice questions on authentic texts and audios;
  • the FRQ section, with useful tips and free production exercises, modeled after the second part of the exam;
  • 20 summary sheets illustrating some general aspects of Italian culture on topics related to the AP® curriculum;
  • final self-assessment sheets to test one's knowledge.
  • At the end of the volume you can consult the solutions to the comprehension activities.

The ideal placement of the volume is to support the material used regularly in class.

To see a preview click here.

The code gives 50 hours of access* for 18 months to the units of the book and several tools available for the students (interactive grammar, glossaries, notes, etc.)

Moreover, the hours can be used to access the Class page that contains learning resources (test, games, blogs, etc.) created by the teacher or the school, and tests and interactive games created by Edilingua.

* Each time the student logs in, a timer records the time that passes by. To avoid consuming unnecessary time, the timer stops automatically after few minutes of inactivity!
